from fat to thin

Saturday, 21 May 2011

I am daughter of God

Day 8

What did God tell me today? He told me that my children will follow me. I'm sure you have heard the saying 'he is just like his dad' or 'she is just like her mum'. I dont think i'm like my mum but my children do. The one trait i would like that my mum has and i dont is the ability to keep house. I really didnt learn that skill from her and therefore my children didnt learn it from me either.

I often walk past my children's rooms and think 'i wish they would pick up their walk-on-wardrobe and make their beds.' But, then i walk past my room and i look at the pile of clean washing, the pile of dirty washing, the pile of books, the pile of paper and ok it's not all over my room but it's not where it's suppose to be either. However the one thing that i have learnt is that if i make my bed in the mornings my room looks instantly tidier.

The other thing i have noticed is that the cleaning rota each week doesnt get completed until the very last moment and often gets left until the beginning of the next week. Again i moan at the girls to get their part done but today its Saturday morning and mine hasnt been done either and today is the day when the rota moves round to the next person. No! It's not Monday, girls. Why because the following week it will be Tuesday and then Wednesday and so on and so on. I did make a conscious decision last saturday that i would do my part of the rota today and last week i spent over 2 hrs cleaning the kitchen and it looked amazing. It's not my turn this week.

The one positive thing they have learnt from me is their thirst for knowledge. They are all very studious in their own way but they all have different likes and dislikes and talents. They know that learning doesnt just come from books but from all around us. I think other positive traits my children have are they are open, friendly and would help anyone in need. They know who they are, children of a Heavenly Father who loves them. They have respect for themselves and for others and they do their best to be honest.

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