from fat to thin

Monday, 12 September 2011

Breakfast and chocolate biscuits

Okay, chocolate biscuits are not the best thing to eat for breakfast but these days of pills first before i can even get up it seems to be what's on offer in my bedside cupboard. The routine is, take pain killers, eat chocolate biscuits, wait about an hour for them to work then get up and eat proper breakfast. Probably not the best thing to be eating at any anytime of day but especially not for breakfast.

In my mind's eye i have this image of hot buttered toast and masses of fresh fruit all served up on a silver platter. Well maybe not the platter but served would be nice. Seeing as that is no longer an option has 'the daughters' have spread their little wings yesterday and went off to university with threats of  'i'll be back' as they wandered off into the twilight. The work for them begins today and i don't expect to see them before Christmas, at the earliest.

However i digress or should that be digest? I think with having a busy busy house and feeding the 5,000 over the summer my digestion has given up trying to work but it is time to get things back on track. I am a migraine sufferer, every month with no fail. On top of that i have this constant nagging headache, which is telling me i am not eating right. Also i have been off sick work and fairly immobile for about 4 months now, with an injured knee and less exercise and more stodge in the way of food has made me heavier then i would really like to be. So the race, only with myself of cause, to lose the stodge, get back on track with whatever exercise i can do and to shift not only the weight recently added but shift all the excess weight, which is far too much, in on.

The other confession i need to make here is that i am a chocolate-olic or maybe just a sugar-olic either way it's not good and must stop immediately - maybe after i've eaten the rest of the chocolate biscuits, but not all today - honest :)


  1. MMM choccy biccies for breakfast... a little comfort food never did any harm. That's my theory and am sticking to it !!

  2. I was sooooooo good all day after that though :) and my reward a migraine :(
