I've come to the conclusion that i'm not a very good blogger, but that's ok because it means there is room for improvement, rather then being perfect. I visit other people's blogs and many seem to have a so and so monday, a such and such tuesday and a this and that wednesday and so on. Order in other words. I dont have order, and if you dont have order you have chaos. So i guess i have chaos.
My blog seems to have morphed from one thing into another but still as no direction. Although i do blog alot about God and His word and how He influences my life and i would still like to keep that going. However i feel i need to bring some order to the chaos. Firstly i would like i new title but i'm not sure if i do that if i would have to go hunt down my followers again, which are few? If you are reading this and don't FOLLOW then please click the box, thank you.
So what i'm saying is, expect some changes. I will continue with the spiritual theme. Add some family history. Maybe a book review or two, as i do read alot, keep the 1,000 gifts going, they seem to have become a bit sparodic or even absent. Maybe a recipe or two, something about food anyway, i'm not a fancy cook. One day will be called 'What i learnt from Mothers' being a mother myself i cant really do it from a father's point of view. Then there is knowing 'I am a child of God', food, exercise, meditation, how to make ourselves whole and complete person and being able to accept who we are so we can stop competing with the world. Maybe something about writing Journals and personal histories although i'm no expert on the later.
So this is the bridge between the old and the new. Still thinking so may need a day or two to sort things out but i feel a growth spirt coming on so please bear with me.
Beverley - the great thing about a blog is it's like a river, it goes where the water is. Where the life is. It's good to mix things up and be open to new ideas. Look forward to seeing where you go with this.