from fat to thin

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

The One and Only Son

The naming of the son. I only have one but i think he's a blessing from God. When i first discovered i was pregnant it was a bit of a shock. First to my brain and then too my body. Which decided it didnt like being pregnant and promptly made me sick morning, noon and night, constantly. To the point that i feared for myself and my baby. 

In the end i had a priesthood blessing of healing and comfort. I didnt stop being sick not for some time anyway but i did feel comforted. 

In the blessing i was told that my baby would be a boy and his name would be Michael and no modern technology or midwife's warnings that it might not be so could change my mind.

I also knew you should have been born on the 7th June but you arrived 3 weeks early just like your sisters, on the 19th March 1987. Perfectly healthy and definately a boy. 

Whether you look the top picture or the bottom it matters not you still look the same to me. I'm glad God sent you to me, i'm sorry the journey hasn't always been easy but you turned out just right. I'm very proud of you and you should be proud of you too.

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